Feliç aniversari Soke Del Saito

Avui és una data molt especial, ara fa 62 anys va nèixer el que ara és el nostre gran mestre el Soke Del Saito. Des d’aqui li desitgem un dia molt especial que el gaudeixi amb la seva familia i els seus alumnes.


Aquí teniu el missatge que el Shihan Joan li ha enviat avui en nom de tots:

Hello Soke, I hope your returning trip from Hawaii was fine but hard, cause it has to be dificult to leave that island.
For sure that you had a great time, playing golf, being with your father, and making good karate contacts.
I wish you a great day, and for sure all the people that are close to you today will show all the love that they feel for you, We are far away but I want to think that we are some of them. It is mandatory for you to have a great day, please enjoy a lot.
My family and my students wish you a very happy birthday.
From your spanish family,
Joan Shihan.


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